Our designers have created an incredibly colorful rug streaked with shades, thoughts of the seabed. Looking at this subtle mixture we think of the magnificent poem by José Maria de
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Daedalus is a character from Greek mythology. He is best known as an inventor, sculptor, architect whose most famous work is the labyrinth that housed the Minotaur.
The Dedalo design is an inspiration from the maze idea. The many sutleties of tone, shine and curving shapes form an enigmatic visual labyrinth.
“While meditating on our abode, all parts of it are repeated many times. Every place is another place. With Dedalo, no place is right.”
Such is our Dedalo design.
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The tree symbol of Senegal, to which its inhabitants lend miraculous virtues and magical powers. ... The spirits of the ancestors are supposed to live in the trunk of these
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